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Heart Focused Meditation for you and your dog!

Heart Focused Meditation for you and your dog!

Life seems to be very stressful lately. Have you stopped to consider the impact stress is having on you. But what about your canine friend? So why not come along as a pair and enjoy a morning of relaxing heart focused meditation with some like-minded people and dogs! Cost £35 (payment on the day)

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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our first heart focused meditation in September!

Summer has passed by and we are seeing the first signs of nature preparing for the imminent change…. Or are we? Have we taken the time to notice that….the blackberry bushes are laden with fruit, acorns are ripening and elderberries and rosehips are all ready to nourish those who collect them. Even if you have missed the signs of nature, it is hard not to notice all the children heading back to school in their new uniforms (many looking swamped in their oversized blazers!). One of the twins headed off to college for the first time today and even though he was in jeans and t-shirt, it is the smartest I’ve seen him look for a while (giving me such a warm feeling of love and pride)!

There are of course many other changes happening around us right now, people returning to work after their summer break, changes in climate delivering an undeniable impact, cost of living changes, changes created by the happy addition or sad loss of a family member to name but a few. I believe these changes, no matter how joyful, painful or fear inducing they are, they do offer us an opportunity to grow and are rarely something over which we have any control! So how can we learn to adapt and take the growth opportunities available? I believe the answer lies in both accepting that we are not really in control of anything other than our thoughts and feelings (that is when we notice them!) and then once we have let go of control, learning to trust and flow with whatever is happening to and around us.

I know all too well that this is not always easy to achieve, but I also know it is possible – and that the heart focused meditation techniques can help us both understand and achieve progress towards this state. If you would like to strengthen your grounding, increase your self-awareness and learn to let go and trust then why not join us tonight for our guided meditation session which starts at 20.15 BST and can be accessed through this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966

I look forward to welcoming you later.

With love Sue

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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our second heart focused mediation in February!

It is so heart-warming to see the odd snow drop in flower and a few brave daffodils displaying their beautiful yellow trumpets despite the wet and windy weather. All the rain has left lots of muddy puddles around which seem to fill my dogs with joy as they jump in and out of them!

The muddy puddles seemed to trigger some thinking in me; as humans it can sometimes feel like we are in a puddle – often a joyless one. And if we are not yet ready to move out of our puddle (muddy or not) then that is up to us – it is the one thing we can control – do I choose to be in joy or in my muddy puddle. The point we really need to understand and respect is that we cannot ‘make’ other people get out of their puddle – it is not our job or responsibility to impose this on anyone else.

So let’s make the focus of tonight’s heart meditation be on acceptance – self acceptance and acceptance of others so that we find joy and trust in the phrase ‘we are all right where we need to be right now’. As usual we will start at 20.15 GMT and this is the link you need to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966

This is a led meditation so no prior experience is necessary, please feel free to share this invitation with anyone else who may benefit.

Hope to see you later!

With heart


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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our first invitation to heart focused meditation in 2022 woo hoo! 😉

I hope you all had a good break over the festive period and gave yourself the opportunity to recharge your batteries, it so important that we take responsibility for our own well-being. I also hope that you have had a really good start to 2022. Although I do know for many people that since the new year started they have experienced sadness, worry and fear. All of these types of emotions have a significant impact on our health, energy levels and focus…..If you think (and emotionally feel) the worst then you will probably make it happen. That sounds crazy I know, but such is our power over us. Just imagine for a moment that you could convert that negativity into more positive personal power and even more importantly into a power for good for those we love and indeed the whole world…then what does 2022 look like?

With compassion I ask you to consider the options you have, and please know you do have a choice and heart focused mediation can help you exercise that choice. If you want to explore this then please join us tonight at 20.15 GMT using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966 and let’s start making 2022 the year that we can shape and grow into.

As this is a guided meditation anyone can join – no experience needed so please feel free to share this invitation.

I hope to see you later.

With heart


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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our last heart focused meditation of 2021; I am spending the next couple of weeks cossetted with my animals (and family!!) relaxing and hopefully having some fun.

It seems that most of the people I have been talking to for the last couple of weeks formally finish work on 17th December (which also happens to be when most schools in the UK break for Christmas too). These same people are talking about feeling exhausted after what must be acknowledged as a very challenging year for us humans (not sure it impacted our animal friends in quite the same way!). And yet despite this exhaustion, they continue to push themselves at work, needing to get all manner of tasks completed by close of play on Friday. And then what….can the off switch just be flicked and all is ok or does another form of busyness dominate? The busyness that says not only do I need to be ‘perfect’ at work but also perfect at home in readiness for those perfect Christmas celebrations! All too often the reality is the list of work is not completed so we don’t relax properly, Christmas festivities rarely deliver in line with our expectations (mainly because these involve people outside of our control aka everyone else!) and all that pre-Christmas pressure has left our immune system compromised and so we get sick!

If this even sounds remotely familiar to you then please do join us for our heart focused meditation tonight on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966

at 20.15 GMT where you will learn how to press your own reset button, to create a calm and peaceful inner balance that will allow you to let go of the busyness so you can enjoy each and every special moment.

Please pass this invitation on to anyone else you feel may benefit from this meditation and if you cannot join us tonight then I look forward to welcoming you to one of these weekly sessions in 2022 – they start on 5th January 2022

Wishing you a very merry festive period with your loved ones and a very happy and healthy 2022 – full of light and joy.

With heart


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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our second heart focused meditation in December.


I am very privileged to work with a number of NGO’s and this afternoon I will be spending a short time re-introducing a group to Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis model based theory, which essentially looks at how our life’s experiences (particularly those in our childhood) can shape who we are and how we behave.  And of course we now know much of his ego-state theory to be true.    But that is not the whole story; importantly we can chose how we react and therefore we can shape who we are, at any point in our life….as soon as we allow ourselves to be quiet enough on the inside to realise it.  This route also means seeing and taking responsibility for ourselves – no longer are we ‘just’ a victim of circumstance.


But how, how can we achieve this?  Heart focused meditation is good basis on which to move towards this realisation.  Now I am not saying it is easy …but it is possible.  So why not join us tonight at 20.15 GMT, on this link  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966 and see what you can achieve.


As this is a guided meditation no prior experience is needed so please feel free to pass on this invitation to anyone else who you think may benefit.


Please note there will be no heart focused meditation on Wednesday the 22nd or 29th December as I am spending this time with family who are coming to stay ❤️


With heart Sue 

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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to our first invitation to our heart focused meditation in December!

In my home, the first day of December heralds much joy…created by the twins annual opening of their white chocolate filled advent calendar! Yes they are 15 and so nearly adult, but this has become one of these family traditions. For those of us who celebrate Christmas or indeed any other ritual based event, it is amazing how quickly family traditions are formed, which is great until the expectation of the ritual becomes linked to the expectation of both its happening and the amount of happiness it creates – particularly during a pandemic where new variants serve to remind us that we are not in control of anything..except our emotional response. So just how do our expectations take away some of the pleasure of the tradition? Well for a start our memories play tricks with us, if I am in a positive mood my memories of past events become far more positive than if I am angry or frustrated. Expectations often cause us to map out the forth coming event, in great detail which includes everyone else’s moods and behaviours and sadly reality rarely delivers in complete alignment with our story.

So as we enter this festive season, let’s focus tonight’s meditation sessions on staying self-aware, grounded and in the moment so I have the choice to enjoy whatever the traditions bring this year. As usual we will start at 20.15 GMT and please use this link to connect to us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966

This is a guided session so no prior experience of HeartMath or mediation is required – and please do pass this invite on to anyone else who may benefit.

Hope to see you later.

With heart


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Heart Focused Meditation

Heart Focused Meditation

Hello and welcome to last heart focused meditation of June 2021


Wow here we are at the half way point in the year!  The longest day has been and gone, and for sports fans Wimbledon has started oh and that little game called football seems to have overtaken everything!  I have just completed the Sensory Enrichment (herbs, essential oils and macerated oils) element of my animal healing course and I am amazed by some of the healing properties of ‘weeds’ growing wildly in my garden!  


We all seem to so be busy with something – some of this busy-ness is positive and some more negative or just draining so it is no wonder that I am seeing some really tired people at the moment.  There also seems to be a reluctance to take a break….’there is nowhere to go‘ I hear, or ‘if I do take a break I’ll come back to an overwhelming Inbox so then I will have to work stupidly long hours’.  Which makes me think – are we working to live or living to work – for many the balance has got lost in the busy-ness. 


So why not spend 45 minutes (or however long you can spare) in the now, with me this evening as we join together peacefully in a heart focused meditation session, giving you the chance to recharge your batteries and escape from being ‘busy’.  The meditation will begin at 20.15 GMT and can be joined on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6852285966  No prior experience is needed as this is a guided session and please free to pass this invite on to anyone else who may benefit.


With heart 



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Weekly Heart Focused Meditation

Weekly Heart Focused Meditation

If you are looking to create more balance in your life, if you would like some alignment between your heart, mind, body and soul, if you would like to join a like minded group of humans, then please contact me for an invitation to our weekly heart focused meditation.

During this 45 minute, guided session, you will learn techniques that will help you build coherence internally and also begin the process of developing resilience and the ability to activate emotional regulation.

No prior experience of meditation on or off-line required as I will support you every step of the way! I look forward to welcoming you soon and guiding you to unlock the door to a more stress free life.

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